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ABC News: Children in Queensland’s foster and residential care system are living on the streets of Brisbane.
Hundreds of children under Queensland government care are in ‘other living arrangements’, for many that means homelessness Self-placing is the term the Queensland government use when a child under its care leaves a foster, kinship or residential care placement. Others use the term homeless. Where do self-placing children go? Pam Barker and her team at […]
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Housing for Young People to Help Break the Cycle of Homelessness in Queensland
Brisbane Youth Service (BYS) welcomes the recent State Government announcement of the Towards Ending Homelessness for Young Queenslanders 2022-27 policy and framework, providing greater clarity on how the almost $30 million State budget investment in housing and young homelessness initiatives will be spent to best support vulnerable young Queenslanders. The announcement comes a week before […]
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