Quality, Research, & Innovation

Brisbane Youth Service has a strong commitment to evidence-informed practice and collaborative research and evaluation to drive innovation.

Research and Evaluation at BYS

Our research and evaluation centres the voices and experiences of young people and their children.

We actively collaborate and consult with young people, academics, sector partners, and community  to address gaps in knowledge and identify emerging support needs and challenges impacting the wellbeing of young people. We are committed to using evidence to continually improve the effectiveness of our work with young people.

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Innovation ensures we continuously develop strategies, tools and programs to enhance the level of support available to vulnerable young people.  Examples of this include:

Cross-Organisational data collection to measure and understand our impact.

Couch-surfing research to address a critical knowledge gaps.

A focus on the intersection of homelessness and violence in recognition of the complexity of working with intimate partner and family violence in a homelessness context.

Youth-led practice informed by our Youth Participation Strategy to ensure young people’s voices and experience guide our work.

Evaluated trials of new programs that enable young people to be diverted from or transition out of the homelessness system.


Research Guiding Principles

Research at BYS has four key guiding principles:

  1. Our research centres the voices and experiences of young people and their children, strategically prioritising forms of learning that have most capacity to benefit young people in navigating life challenges to thrive in the community.
  2. Our research is proactively collaborative and consultative in ensuring that we engage with academics, sector partners, community and young people at all stages.
  3. Our research upholds principles of reciprocity and pragmatism in ensuring that young people’s wellbeing is consistently the highest priority; and that research methods are adapted to ensure that young people benefit from their participation
  4. Our research recognises that young people’s experiences are highly complex, dynamic, intersectional and context-specific; and as such we strive to ensure that young people are ethically, respectfully and appropriately represented in all research outputs.