Chris had his first solo exhibition, Out of Paper, at Artrageous during February 2016.
Every year Brisbane Youth Services works with thousands of young people and their children, assisting them to overcome challenges and achieve life goals. Here are some of their inspiring stories..
Chris had his first solo exhibition, Out of Paper, at Artrageous during February 2016.
Imagine yourself at the age of 17. You and your five month old son have fled from an unhealthy relationship, you have no social or family support to help you, and are left with no home. This was the start of my journey.
I was kicked out of home and I was homeless for a good four months. I had no money and no food.
Before BYS I was living on friends couches and feeling like a burden on them and their families. I couldn’t return home as my mother was emotionally abusive towards me.
There is very high demand for emergency accommodation for young people and young families in Brisbane. We are working hard to create more options, but many nights, all beds are at capacity.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
1 – 4 pm
Appointments only during other opening hours
Our Intake and Brief Intervention team work very hard to support young people with immediate and emergency housing however options are extremely limited due to available emergency accommodation. Unfortunately, presenting or being directed to our service does not guarantee a place to stay. We understand this is frustrating, and we will do our best to support you. When you arrive, we’ll talk through your options, which may include housing if available. We may also provide food, transport, referrals, and other help that fits your needs.
We’re working with other organisations to better coordinate support in Brisbane and South-East Queensland. Adding your name to the Brisbane Zero By-Name List helps make your situation visible and keeps you a priority for housing. A youth worker can help you do this when you visit.