Does it cost any money?
No it doesn’t. All our services are free to young people in need. The medical clinic is a bulk billing clinic so you will need to bring your Medicare care card with you.
Can I bring a friend with me?
You are welcome to bring someone to support or accompany you, that is fine with us.
What age do I have to be to get help?
BYS helps young people aged 12-25.
Do I have to come in to see you?
No, you don’t always need to come into BYS. We may be able to help over the phone or organise to come and see you. Please call 3620 2400 to talk about what might work best.
What happens if I call BYS and ask for help?
If you call us, we’ll try to work out over the phone how best to help out. This might involve talking to a trained youth worker over the phone or making an appointment at a time which suits you and asking you to come in to talk to one of our trained Youth Workers. Our Youth Workers can also meet you at home or another place which suits you.
We recommend that you schedule an appointment with us rather than just turn up. It’s best to do this to avoid turning up and being disappointed if everyone is busy and not able to see you.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will meet a youth worker. You’ll be able to talk in a comfortable and private setting. Sometimes it can be hard to talk about everything you want to when you first meet a youth worker. It will be important for you, and us, to take time to get to know each other and feel comfortable working together. Your youth worker will help you to develop a plan that will outline your needs and goals and how you will achieve them with our help.
Who would I see if I come to BYS for help?
When you come to BYS you will see one of our youth workers. To get an idea of the type of person you might see you can check out some youth worker profiles here.
Do you provide any women only services?
BYS offers young women the opportunity to meet with a team of dedicated women’s workers and we operate a safe women’s space.
I have young children - what support is available to me?
If you are 25 years or under and a young parent, our Young Women & Young Families team may be able to help you.
The staff at the centre can help you with things like housing assistance and support to maintain your tenancy, and can also help to be the best parent you can be. We provide support to you around your child’s development and can help you to bond with and look after your child through interactive play, parent-child communication, daily living skills, family well-being and overcoming social isolation.
Can I come to BYS and have a meal?
We don’t provide meals at BYS but understand that sometimes you might need emergency relief for food and other essentials. If you need this kind of help, talk to one of our youth workers.
There are other organisations that provide meals, you can go to:
Mama Renes
When: Tuesday and Friday at 7pm
Where: 11 Quarry Street, Spring Hill QLD
Phone: (07) 3843 5330
Café One
When: Weekdays 8.30am to 1.30pm
Where: New Farm Neighbourhood Centre, 967 Brunswick Street, New Farm QLD
Phone: (07) 3358 560
Red Cross Youth Night Café
When: Tuesday and Thursday 6:30pm–8:30pm
Where: City Hall Basement, 64 Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Phone: (07) 3319 4200
*Only for youth aged 12–25. You may need to show your ID.
Vital Connection Soup Kitchen
When: Saturday, Sunday and Monday 7pm
Where: Emma Miller Place, Roma Street, Brisbane
Phone: 0413 469 181
Can you help me return to school or access training?
Starting or continuing your education can be difficult when you are experiencing homelessness or in crisis. Our experienced youth workers understand this and can help you access training or talk with your school or college to help make this happen.
Can you help me find a job?
Finding a job can be challenging, particularly if you are young and homeless. Our youth workers can help guide you to gain the skills or overcome barriers to help you find and keep a job.
Can you help me find accommodation?
We can assist you to find and maintain safe, stable accommodation and to develop the skills needed to successfully live independently. You may also benefit from learning new skills to help you with independent living such as to manage a household and build connections within your local community.
We can also help you with establishing a new home – for example by helping you obtain furniture and general household items.
I have legal issues. Is this something you can help me with?
Sorting out legal stuff can be stressful and confusing. Volunteer lawyers from the Homeless Persons Legal Clinic also visit our Valley Hub weekly for free appointments with young people. They can do a legal health check with you and help you to short out legal issues such as overdue bills and fines and to understand your legal obligations in contracts you have signed.
The lawyers can provide ongoing legal casework and offer practical help, working with you on your legal issues until they are resolved.
BYS can also support you if you need to go to court.
I don't feel safe at home, can you help me?
If BYS staff think you or others around you are in an unsafe environment, we will talk with you what actions you can take to ensure your safety. This may involve calling the police or simply removing yourself from any danger. The staff at BYS are trained to understand domestic violence and abusive relationships and can help you with strategies to manage your relationships as well as helping you find a safe place to live.
Can BYS help me pay my rent?
Our goal is to help you maintain your tenancy. In certain situations you might need emergency rental assistance or help from us to negotiate an extension for payment.
How can I access a Doctor?
BYS operates a free, confidential health service to support you with any physical and mental health issues you may be experiencing.
To make sure that you get to see the doctor or nurse we recommend that you phone to make an appointment. If you come to the clinic without an appointment you may not get in as the doctor and nurse may be fully booked.
To make an appointment call us on 3620 2400.
The clinic opening times are below:
Monday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Registered Nurse, 1:00pm – 4:00pm GP on site
Tuesday: 9:00am – 12:00pm Registered Nurse
Wednesday: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Registered Nurse
Thursday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Registered Nurse, 1:00pm – 4:00pm GP on site
Friday: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Registered Nurse
Our experienced doctors and nurse provide a wide range of services including:
- Basic check-ups including tests if required
- Treatment for cuts, infections and other medical conditions
- Immunisations and free catch-up immunisations
- PAP smears
- Full sexual health checks
- Referrals to other specialists, hospitals and organisations
- Mental Health Care Plans
- Free referrals to in-house psychologists
- We can help obtain Medicare and Health Care Concession details where cards have been lost or are not available. We can also assist with obtaining details from previous GPs visited.
How long will you help me?
We are here to provide you with support for as long as necessary so you can address your needs. Once you turn 26 years of age you will no longer be eligible for BYS support and if necessary we will link you to another service and keep in touch for a few months to make sure that you are going OK.
Does BYS have somewhere I can store my belongings if I don't have a home?
Yes – There are lockers available at the Valley HUB for use by young people who are experiencing homelessness.
Call the HUB on 3620 2400 to find out more.
What happens with the information that BYS has about me?
The services provided by BYS are confidential. Information about you is kept on file to ensure we can offer you the best ongoing support and treatment. Information about you will only be disclosed to other people when we have your consent to do so, if we are legally obliged to provide information or if sharing information about a person under 18 will help ensure their safety and wellbeing.
Will you tell anyone that I am working with you?
Information about you will only be disclosed when we have your consent to do so, or if we are legally obliged to provide information (eg. via subpoena). However in some situations we are able to share information when we are concerned about your safety and wellbeing or that of other people. We will try to gain your consent but sometimes that’s not possible, practical or necessary.
How do I give feedback, post a review or make a complaint about the service I am receiving from BYS?
BYS is committed to improving our services and programs, and one of the ways that we do that is by responding to any concerns raised by clients, our community partners, or the general public. We aim to respond quickly to complaints and offer a process that is user-friendly and protects the rights of any person making a complaint. Your complaint will be handled confidentially and you will receive feedback about what we have done to respond to your complaint.
If you are unhappy about some aspect of our work or the service you are encouraged to speak with a staff member to see if we can help resolve your concern. If you are not satisfied with the response you received or if you feel you cannot approach a staff member regarding your concern please contact us at
If you are happy with the service you have received from BYS, we invite you to post a review on our Facebook page.