Sixty-five young people responded, providing very positive feedback to a range of questions measuring their satisfaction with the accessibility of BYS services.
The young people surveyed were also asked to provide their recommendations for service improvements. This feedback has provided us with many valuable insights.
Overall 97% of young people were “Very Happy” (80%) or “A Bit Happy” (17%) with the services that they received at BYS. The areas that young people were happiest about were related to our flexible, holistic and person-centred approach to supporting young people with all the issues they were dealing with.
Young people’s feedback
“Workers do the best they can. I feel as though BYS saved my life.”
“In the 3 years of being a client of BYS everything I had ever needed help with ranging from health, housing support etc. BYS has always been there for me.”
“Never had any organisation help as much as BYS have, and also because they offer you support in all the areas you need it in and if they can’t help you they will always find someone who can.”
“They helped me. They did the jobs my parents were supposed to do.”
“Just keep on doing what your’re doing.”