How We Help

With a vision to provide ‘New Futures for Young People’, Brisbane Youth Service helps thousands of young people, and their children, at risk or experiencing homelessness each year.


I am a young Aboriginal, Gurang Gurang woman, who didn’t have the best upbringing which led to me living on the streets.

Our Impact

Reducing the challenges and
barriers young people face

Arlene's Story
I finally can pursue my own dreams and goals and know that my family have a safe home.
Mai's Story
Where I'm living at the moment, I have a good view of planes coming and going which I love as my dream is to become a commercial pilot.

Youth homelessness is at crisis point


As you go to sleep tonight, think about the thousands of young people in Queensland who are without safe and secure housing.

Young people experience the highest rates of homelessness in the country. Nearly a quarter (23%) of Australia’s homeless population are between 12 and 24 years old.

With rent prices in Queensland rising faster than any other state or territory, the lack of safe and affordable housing is pushing young people and young families into homelessness.



On top of the housing and cost of living crises, many young people are facing complex issues that require specialised and trauma-informed responses.

Family violence and intimate partner violence are leading causes of homelessness for young people in Australia.

Homelessness puts young people at huge risk of more violence and trauma, and right now young people, and their children, need support more than ever.

Help #BreakTheCycle of violence and homelessness

Demand for homelessness services in Queensland has grown by 34% in five years, compared to 9% nationally.

Right now we are seeing a record number of young people at a time of great need – but also a great opportunity for early intervention supports.

As a community, if we want to break the cycle of homelessness we must ensure young people can access crucial services when they need them. Even with brief support from BYS, most young people can overcome difficulties, move out of crisis, and achieve life goals.

What is homelessness?

And why do people become homeless?

Homelessness does not necessarily mean ‘rooflessness’, but rather lack of safe and secure housing. There are many differing experiences of homelessness, including people living in crisis accommodation, boarding houses, rough sleeping, or couch surfing.

70% of young people leave home to escape family violence, child abuse, or family breakdown (2016 ABS Census).

Access to safe housing is a fundamental human right. Without it, young people and young families are pushed into poverty and insecurity.

Donate to help

Young people we meet are seeking safety and stability. For those facing homelessness, finding safe and stable housing, maintaining health, a routine, and employment is extremely challenging, especially without support from friends or family.

Times are tough, especially for the most vulnerable children and young people in our community. With the ongoing housing and cost of living crises impacting many young people and young families’ ability to keep a roof over their heads, your generosity has never been more important.

We see every day, young lives transformed when they have access to the right supports and services. 

Your donation to Brisbane Youth Service goes directly to vital services and programs that help young people and their children move out of crisis towards new futures.


I moved to Brisbane from Northern NSW after the Lismore floods in July 2022 and was living in a boarding house before I found BYS.

I have been in my accommodation for 8 months now and they are being quite supportive. I am in my own self-contained unit but the support workers check in and make sure I’m ok.